Hello! I'm Pablo Navarlaz, a graphic designer and typographer based in Barcelona. I love typography and design, and I spend my days exploring new ideas in this field. I studied at the Elisava School of Design and Engineering, and my work is deeply rooted in both historical and contemporary research. I strive to create versatile pieces that balance aesthetics with functionality.


︎︎︎2023︎Táctica gráfica (BARCELONA)
Graphic Designer Internship

︎︎︎2024︎OFFF Festival (BARCELONA)
Box office volunteer at the OFFF international design festival

︎︎︎2022︎Urbacet branding
Workshop to redesign the branding for Urbacet and Arca Social in collaboration with Elisava.


︎︎︎2020-2024︎Elisava (Barcelona)
Bachelor degree in graphic design and innovation


